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District Programs

Landowner Assistance Program

Program overview: The Program focuses on developing partnerships with area landowners to develop and implement Best Management Practices. The IVSWCD offers and provides site-assessments and referrals with partnering conservation agencies. When feasible, IVSWCD coordinates identifying and securing funding mechanisms to fund on-the-ground conservation practices.

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Riparian Enhancement Program

Program overview: The District is focused on cooperating with landowners to identify areas of erosion contributing to excessive sediment in the Illinois River Basin, lack of riparian vegetation to provide adequate shade to decrease stream temperatures, potential for development of Bio-swales in the watershed for storm water run-off, wetland area improvements and mitigating invasive plant species. Working in cooperation with partnering agencies such as ODFW, OWEB, ODA, BLM, USFS, the District provides the technical assistance and education to landowners for restoration project implementation.

Water Quality Improvement Program

Program overview: Illinois Valley SWCD, in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Agriculture and other natural resource partners, implements agricultural water quality improvement projects in the Middle Deer Creek Focus Area. The District provides technical assistance to Agricultural Producers to achieve water quality standards by preventing and controlling water pollution, i.e.,  sediment and runoff, and improving streamside vegetation health. The means used to achieve these goals include providing education and resources to address inefficient irrigation systems; riparian area plantings and small scale bank stabilization efforts.